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DIY Spray Deodorant Recipes That Really Work

DIY Spray Deodorant Recipes That Really Work

Deodorant, including spray deodorant, is a staple hygiene product for many of today’s consumers. Unfortunately, spray deodorants can be on the pricier side in the store and may be full of synthetic and fragrant ingredients that don’t always agree with your skin. Thankfully, there are many DIY spray deodorant recipes that you can choose from in order to create your own deodorant, saving you money and allowing you to tailor the product to your specific skin needs.

In this article, we will be going over some basic DIY spray deodorant recipes to get you started. We’ll also give you some information on the ingredients that can be used in DIY spray deodorants, so that you are fully prepared to mix and match, creating the perfect deodorant formula for your lifestyle.

Why Should You Make Your Own Spray Deodorant?

For years there has been controversy surrounding the topic of commercially produced deodorant and whether or not the product is safe to be used on skin or not. Among other synthetic ingredients, most deodorants on the market today include things like parabens, colorings, and aluminum. Parabens have been linked to certain cancers in recent studies, and there are concerns that the use of too much aluminum may cause bone diseases or dementia.

This being said, it would take a significant amount of use to build up enough of these ingredients in your body to cause issues. People with weakened kidney function are advised to avoid too much aluminum, but there is a low risk for you developing diseases based on just deodorant use.

However, some consumers do wish to avoid these ingredients in their deodorant altogether, regardless of their risk of developing any problems. You can buy a gentle brand of deodorant that is produced without these ingredients, or you can turn to the wonderful world of DIY and craft your own spray deodorant. And don’t worry—these recipes will provide the odor protection of a regular deodorant even without the artificial ingredients.

DIY Spray Deodorant Recipes

These three basic recipes are a great starting point to use as is or to build on, allowing you to create a tailored DIY spray deodorant product.


Many of the most popular DIY spray deodorant recipes use ethanol alcohol as a base to eliminate and control odors. Keep in mind that ethanol alcohol is the same as drinking alcohol. It’s different from rubbing alcohol which can be a skin irritant. The best type of alcohol to use is either vodka or gin because they are virtually undetectable when combined with other ingredients.

For this recipe, you will need a small spray bottle (around 2 ounces is fine). You should stay away from plastic, as essential oils will degrade it. Consider using a darker-colored glass to protect your mixture from sunlight, though regular glass with work just as well.

Combine 2 tablespoons of vodka in the spray bottle with 6-10 drops of your favorite essential oils. Our favorite go-to blend includes 2 drops of jasmine essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, and 2 drops of orange essential oil. To get more ideas for the kinds of essential oils you can use, check out this section.

Add 2 tablespoons of distilled water to the mixture, put the cap on the bottle, and shake to combine.

Once the mixture is uniform, it is ready to use. Make sure to shake it before each use to ensure that it doesn’t separate.

Baking Soda-Based

If you don’t like the idea of using alcohol in your deodorant, you can opt for this baking soda-based recipe. Baking soda has long since been used as a deodorizer and is safe to use even on sensitive skin.

To create this recipe, you will need a small spray bottle. It should be big enough to hold a cup of liquid. Pour 1/4 cup of liquid aloe vera, 1/2 a cup of witch hazel, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into the spray bottle. Shake to combine and make sure the baking soda is dissolved before use.

Apple Cider Vinegar Based

A twist on the basic alcohol spray deodorant recipe, you can add apple cider vinegar into your deodorant to provide extra odor protection and anti-microbial properties.

To mix up this spray deodorant, take a small spray bottle and add in 3 tablespoons of vodka or gin. Add in 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Close the spray bottle and shake thoroughly to combine before using.

Alcohol Proofs and Odor Protection

When using alcohol such as vodka or gin in your DIY spray deodorant, you will find that the higher proof of alcohol you use, the more odor protection you will have. As a general rule, 70 to 90 proof alcohol provides light odor coverage, 90 to 120 proof provides medium coverage, and 120 plus proof provides heavy-duty odor protection.

If you can’t find the proof on a bottle of alcohol, you can double the alcohol percentage listed on the bottle to get an estimate. For example, 50% Alc/vol will be 100 proof alcohol.

Essential Oils for DIY Deodorant

There are many essential oils that you can potentially use in your DIY spray deodorant, but you should take care to perform a patch test with a dilution of each oil before using it. The skin underneath your arms tends to be more sensitive than other areas, so it is a good idea to stay away from particularly strong essential oils, such as peppermint and tea tree. Some users can tolerate these oils in small amounts, but you should still take care when adding them to your recipe.

Some of the best essential oils for spray deodorants include orange, rose, jasmine, and lavender, as they all provide a light scent that isn’t too overpowering. For more information on essential oils and to see all of the options available to you, check out this chart that goes in-depth on specific oils and their properties.

How to Store Your DIY Spray Deodorant

natural spray next to oranges

Any spray deodorant that you create should be kept in a glass spray bottle. Frosted or dark-colored glass is best, as it will protect the contents from outside light. Plastic spray bottles should not be used; plastic tends to break down over time when in prolonged contact with essential oils and alcohol.

Once your spray deodorant is created, store the product out of direct heat and sunlight in a cool, dry area. Make sure to give the deodorant a few shakes before each use to ensure that the mixture stays uniform.

How Often Can You Use DIY Spray Deodorant?

After you’ve created your DIY spray deodorant, you can use it as often or as little as you like. Upon the first use, you may want to ease yourself into the product and give your skin time to adjust by only using the spray deodorant once a day, with one spray under each arm. This will also give you time to check for any allergic reactions or skin irritation.

Once 2 to 3 days of limited use have passed, it is probably safe to scale up how much you spray and how often you use the deodorant. Just remember to discontinue use if you see any sign of skin irritation.

How Long Will DIY Spray Deodorant Last?

With proper storage, your DIY spray deodorant should last between 3 and 6 months. How long exactly it lasts will depend on the ingredients you are using in your deodorant. If you notice that your spray is separated and refuses to recombine despite shaking, is starting to smell strange, or is changing color, it is probably time to throw it out and make another.

When Should You Not Use DIY Spray Deodorant?

DIY spray deodorant is a great homemade alternative deodorant, but it isn’t for everyone. If you have especially sensitive skin and are prone to reactions from essential oils or from ingredients such as baking soda or apple cider vinegar, you should not use a DIY spray deodorant.

Additionally, if you start to experience itching, rashes, skin redness, or skin irritation after using your DIY spray deodorant, you should discontinue use and consult with a doctor or dermatologist.

Going Homemade and Odor Free

Store-bought spray deodorant can be irritating to the skin and full of synthetic ingredients that many consumers would rather avoid. Fortunately, there are a variety of DIY spray deodorant recipes available today that can help you create a basic deodorant full of tailored ingredients from the comfort of your own home. Just be sure to choose ingredients that you know will agree with your skin and store your spray deodorant correctly, and you’ll have the perfect homemade spray deodorant solution.