Usually, we use toner to fix a hair color that has gone dull or brassy. But sometimes a toner may completely spoil your hair’s color, and this is where problems arise. Luckily, there are several possible solutions that you can try to remove different types of toner. If you’re ready to start getting toner out of hair that no longer looks its best, read on to discover our expert tips.
Should I Remove Toner From My Hair?
Of course, only you will know the answer to this question, but if it’s bothering you a lot and you’re very unhappy with the way your hair looks, then you should go ahead and remove it. Bear in mind, though, that following these methods and steps may leave your hair very dry and brittle, and this too could be a problem. If you do decide to strip the toner from your hair, you must commit to following an in-depth haircare routine afterward to ensure no further damage occurs.
On the other hand, if the color of your hair isn’t bothering you too much, it’s probably best to just leave it in your hair and let it run its natural course. Usually, toners fade over time, and if you frequently wash your hair the process will be even quicker. You can expect it to take around a month for all the product to finally be gone, leaving your hair in its natural state once more without any damage or ongoing problems.
Can I Use Shampoo for Getting Toner Out of Hair?
Although regular shampoos won’t be any use at getting toner out of hair, there is a way to use shampoo along with ingredients found in your kitchen cabinets to remove the unwanted product.
If you have clarifying shampoo, this is a suitable product to use to remove toner from your hair. Clarifying shampoos have been specially designed to remove oil and dirt from hair, and they can remove hair color too.
After you use this type of shampoo, you’re sure to notice that the toner and color begin to fade. It’s wise, though, not to wash your hair more than three or four times with clarifying shampoo in a single day since the natural oil found in the hair will be stripped away, making your hair more fragile and prone to damage.
This affordable yet powerful clarifying shampoo is our go-to recommendation for getting rid of toner.

Neutrogena Anti-Residue Clarifying Shampoo
This clarifying shampoo is an affordable staple that gets rid of toner and other hair residue easily. You can expect it to start fading your toner after just a single-use, while multiple uses can lift the toner out completely. In adition to using it to to get rid of toner, you can also rely on it to remove silicones from leave-in hair products or to tame an oily scalp.
View on AmazonTry a Clarifying Shampoo Mixed With Baking Soda
You can boost the effect achieved by using a clarifying shampoo by adding baking soda from your kitchen to the shampoo. Simply add a half teaspoon of baking soda into a single application of clarifying shampoo, apply to the hair, and massage in well. The only thing to be aware of is that you’ll need to rinse the shampoo and baking soda out of your hair properly afterward to ensure none of the powdery substance is left behind.
Ultimately, baking soda can help a lot when it comes to getting toner out of your hair. But, there is a downside. Baking soda will damage your hair, and therefore, if you opt for this removal method you’re going to need to give your locks some tender loving care afterward.
Can I Use Lemon Juice to Get Toner Out of My Hair?
You may have heard that lemon juice is capable of removing unwanted toner from hair and, indeed, it’s a recommended solution. Lemon juice isn’t just an all-natural product, but it’s also very safe for use in the home. However, the best time to use it is within 24 to 48 hours after you’ve used the toner to achieve the optimal result.
Simply squeeze lemons to extract the juice. Obviously, if you have long hair, you’ll need to use more lemons than if your hair is shorter. Once you have the extracted juice, simply add it to a dollop of high-quality hair conditioner. Apply the conditioner and lemon juice mixture to the hair and use a wide-toothed comb to comb the product evenly through the tresses to distribute it properly.
Next, apply a plastic bag or cling wrap to your hair so your head is covered. This allows the conditioner and lemon juice mixture to penetrate deeply into the hair shaft. If possible, leave it on your hair overnight then wash it off in the morning using shampoo and lukewarm water.
What Do I Do After I’ve Removed Toner From My Hair?
Once you’ve used one of the above products for getting toner out of hair, you’ll almost certainly notice your hair is much drier than it usually is. Unfortunately, this is an expected side-effect and it could make your hair feel brittle, damaged, and fragile.
Once the product is removed, you’ll need to put some extra effort into caring for your hair for a while to get it back into good condition. Here are some expert tips for you to put into practice at home to restore your tresses to their healthy state:
- Use a deep conditioning treatment – you can deep condition your hair easily at home by using a conditioning product available from a store or salon. This helps to moisturize your hair and nourish it to get rid of the dryness that causes fragility.
- Use coconut oil or almond oil – another popular way to resolve extra dryness in the hair is to use coconut oil or almond oil. Both types of oil have been proven to be excellent at hydrating both the hair and the scalp. Simply apply a little oil before you go to bed, leave it on your hair overnight and then wash out thoroughly in the morning. This is a treatment you should repeat every other week.
- Avoid dying your hair for a while – whenever possible, try giving your hair a short break from hair coloring. If you continue dying your hair when it is already damaged, you’ll end up with tresses that can easily break off. Avoid coloring your hair for at least a couple of months and this will allow it to recover fully from the damage.