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This step-by-step guide will show you how to write an essay.

While writing an essay might seem like an intimidating task, with the correct approach, you can make it a rewarding and fun experience. Whether you are a student or someone who wants to improve their writing skills, mastering the art of essay writing is a valuable skill that can benefit you in various aspects of life. The following article is designed to guide you from preparing the topic, through understanding it, and creating an engaging piece of work.

Before diving into the details, it’s important to note that every essay follows a similar structure, which includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It helps to give your ideas a flow, and it also makes the reader more aware of the points that you’re trying to make. Next, we’ll look more closely at each of the sections in an essay.


Introductions serve as an outline for your essay. They give a reader an idea of the content. This should capture the attention of the reader and help establish your essay’s focus. You can begin with a provocative question, a fact that is interesting, or an inspiring statement. Also, the introduction must end with an argumentative and succinct thesis that summarizes your idea or main point.

Here’s an example of a strong thesis statement: ‘The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, leading to both positive and negative effects on society.’

  • Use an engaging hook to capture the readers’ attention.
  • Provide necessary background information to set the context.
  • Close the introduction using a simple and direct thesis.

The body paragraphs

Your essay is largely composed of body paragraphs, which are the main part. These are where you present your ideas and back them up. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis statement. You should start each paragraph with an introduction sentence, which introduces the major idea. Followed by examples and analyses, you can then move on to supporting arguments.

The use of transitional phrases or words is essential for maintaining the logical flow in between paragraphs. This includes ‘Furthermore’, ‘In additional,’ “Moreover”, and a number of other transitional phrases. The transitions will help to connect the ideas in your essay and make it easy for readers to follow.

Always use reliable sources to back up your statements, like academic journals and books. Also, reputable websites are good options. The argument will become stronger and more convincing.


It is the last section in your essay, and it should sum up your key points. This section should not include new information, but instead provide an overall sense of closure. In a slightly different manner, restate the thesis and recap briefly the key arguments in your body paragraphs. It is also possible to end your essay with an intriguing question or a strong call to act, which will encourage readers to explore the topic further.

  • Summary the key points and arguments of the paragraphs.
  • Restate your thesis statement differently.
  • Then, end with a provocative question or a call for action.


Write an essay can be a daunting task at first. By following these simple steps you can develop your writing ability and craft a persuasive and well-structured paper. Remember to allocate enough time for brainstorming, researching, and revising your essay. Proofread all your writing for errors in grammar and spelling.

If you master the art of writing essays, then you will be able to persuade and communicate your message effectively. Writing a solid essay can be beneficial for your academic career or even personal growth.